Landscape Maintenance

Landscape Maintenance is the acknowledgemnt of a Beautiful Landscape, and the desire to constantly maintain and promote the facility to look the best it can. At lease we think so.

Spring and Fall services focus heavily on making a smooth transtion between two drastically different seasons. Leaves, garbage, branches, salt, and dirt debris tend to pile up, and present un-sitely visuals for clients, employees, and owners alike. With trusted weekly services, we can maintain a proactive approach, and attend to issues as-needed throughout the months. Included are the closing and opening of Irrigation Systems, to ensure they are constantly in good working order.

Summer Weekly Services provide our knowledgeable team members with time to Cut and Maintain turf, edge garden beds, sidewalks and curbs, attend to gardens where we are able to dead-head existing plants, remove unwanted weeds, and trim shrubs and plants.

Winter Services are where we make our mark. With our contracts based off of 2cm triggers, and unlimited salting, we can guarantee we have the skills, machinery, crew, and supplies to maintain and guarantee your property will be safe and hazard free under our care 24/7.

With our state-of-the-art weather tracking, we approach winter pro-actively. Applying liquid salt to all accessible ares before the event, alongside nightly monitoring of sites provide not only safe and clear sites, but piece of mind to Property Managers, General Managers, and Owners. We will exceed, your expectations and requirements for the Winter Season.

Ask us today for more information about our Brand New De-Icing Machinery! We guarantee you haven't seen something this unique dedicated to your property before!